
水力旋流器 were invented in the late 1800s and became widely used in mineral processing because they are relatively inexpensive, 处理高容量, 占用最小的地板空间,没有可移动的部件.

水力旋流器 are commonly used for 脱泥, dewatering and sizing -4mesh (5mm) particles. 它们可用于砂等行业, 聚合, 煤炭, 工业矿产, 硬岩开采和更多. The use of 水力旋流器 in washing and stockpiling is common in the construction aggregate industry. Desliming prior to Classification Tanks and Screw Washers can significantly improve the performance of these devices in high fines situations. 分隔符™ provide consistent density feed to Attrition Cells in 压裂砂.

For mineral applications such as in hard rock and precious metals processing, Cyclones are the most common equipment to control what size of materials exit the comminution (ball milling) circuit. In these applications, it is the fine fraction in the overflow that is the product. 不同的矿石有不同的解离度, 所以水力旋流器有很多不同的配置方式.

替代衬里, 比如聚氨酯和陶瓷, are available for different chemistries (such as where amines are present) and for handling highly abrasive materials. 水力旋流器 can also be made from cast hard metals such as ni-hard and hi-chrome. These designs are often used in processes known as heavy media for 煤炭 and iron ore, etc.

水力旋流器 also find use in pharmaceuticals; agricultural applications, such as sand/manure separation; pulp and paper; potable water and wastewater treatment systems; degritting of spray water; etc.

在聚合应用程序中,典型的恢复时间为2.7 .比重颗粒为+200目(75µm).7 SG; in typical 罚款复苏 applications, 水力旋流器 capture down to 400 mesh (38µm) at 2.7 SG; and in specialty applications, recoveries are possible down to 625 mesh (20µm) at 2.7 SG.


浆料以指定的压力和体积进入进料口. 与进气道的形状或结构无关的, 浆料在旋转的作用下跟随上筒的下落. Resultant centrifugal forces send coarser material to the outer wall to travel downward and be further accelerated in the conical sections. These coarser fractions then exit through the apex, or spigot, at the bottom of the 水力旋流器. Finer fractions remain rotating with the fluid in the inner core and are removed upward by an air core.

The air core is formed at the spigot/apex as air is drawn in to the 水力旋流器. The vortex finder provides a pathway for the air to exit the body of the 水力旋流器. 当空气流过涡流探测器时, the fluids and finer fractions are dragged along to perform the classification of materials. 空气芯对旋流器的正常运行至关重要. 如果由于过多的固体排放而没有形成空气芯, 被称为套, 旋流器不能有效地对浆料进行分类. 顶点/插口的尺寸适用于固体的预期范围. Significant process changes may require a resizing in the spigot/apex.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全已经从数百个应用程序中收集了现场数据, allowing process engineers to make the accurate selection of size and configuration for each application using computer simulations. Performance is influenced by the size of the unit and its operating pressure, 还有入口区域, 涡流探测器直径, 底流和溢流直径, 圆柱段和圆锥角.


水力旋流器 are exceptionally simple machines but require process knowledge to be utilized properly. 虽然有很多配置, 大多数水力旋流器有一个圆柱形的上部(进料)段, 具有切向或渐开线式进给口, 其次是以先端结束的较低的圆锥形部分. Designs that combine rubber-lined, bolt-together sections makes them simple to operate and maintain. 替代衬里, 比如聚氨酯和陶瓷, are also available.

而飓风操作简单, a great deal of understanding is needed to apply this technology to any given application. Whether the application is sand-washing or classifying high-end minerals, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s process engineers have long experience in successfully applying this product into stand-alone applications and integrated systems. 用我们内部开发的模拟, we can reliably predict outcomes of different scenarios to evaluate new or existing installations. 使用应用程序预测和“去过那里”, 有过这样的经历, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 personnel can develop the best approach to any process requirements.


水力旋流器的改进版本是Separator™, which features an Automatic Discharge Regulator to improve underflow density. 分隔符™ are used when the downstream process is moisture sensitive and you want to maintain a specific density, 例如喂养消耗细胞/洗涤器, 或者用来储存材料.




水力旋流器是理想的 回收低至400目(38微米)颗粒 of 2.7 SG. 这通常以an的形式完成 超细粒回收 由贮水池组成的系统, 泵, 旋风和脱水筛, which will have a discharge to waste nominally 90% passing 400 mesh (38µm) and a product discharging the screen in a drip-free, 易于运输和堆叠的形式. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全使用9英寸和12英寸的水力旋流器 对于这个应用在4”单位的地方. 我们之前在我们的系统中使用了4英寸的水力旋流器, but we found them to be plagued with blockages in the apexes of the 水力旋流器, 导致大量未加工的材料. We have also replaced many clusters of competitive-brand small Cyclones with 9” and 12” units with the benefit of low blockage rates and longer life with very similar performance.

水力旋流器 are limited in being able to dewater fine solids to a conveyable state. The finer the underflow solids, the more dilute it will be; therefore, 脱水筛用于进一步脱水水力旋流器底流

水力旋流器 and 分隔符™ are selected based on several parameters, 包括流量, 每小时可回收材料的吨数和所需的切割点. Larger units process higher volumes; however, the larger the 水力旋流器, the coarser the cut. 因此, processing a larger volume of slurry with the need to recover finer fractions would lead to the selection of several smaller units.

特性 & 好处
  • 无活动部件
  • 处理高容量
  • 占用空间小
  • 操作简单
  • 能把细固体从液体中分离出来的
  • Rubber-lined standard; urethane and ceramic lining optional
  • 4“至36”(100毫米至900毫米)尺寸可用
  • 多种锥角可用
  • 强大的流程支持和系统集成


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